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Sweet Pepper and Chipotle Chilli Quinoa Salad

 2 Sweet Drop Peppers, chopped
 ½ cup Quinoa, cooked
 A handful of Green Salad Leaves
 12 tsp Chipotle Chilli Flakes
 12 tsp Linseed
 12 tsp Red Pepper Flakes
Keto Cilantro Lime Dressing
 2 tbsp Lime Juice
 2 tbsp Erythritol (or other sugar substitute)
 2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
 1 Garlic Clove
 Sea Salt and Pepper (to taste)
 5 sprays of Vitamin D3 and K2 Sublingual Spray from Good Health Naturally

Prepare all of the salad ingredients into a bowl.


Prepare the lime dressing in a separate bowl.


Pour the lime dressing over the salad, stir and serve.


To get maximum benefits from this recipe you may want to add a few sprays of the vegan-friendly Vitamin D3 and K2 Sublingual Spray from Good Health Naturally onto the salad to ensure you get maximum Vitamin D3 uptake. One spray equals 200IU of Vitamin D3.

Along with being tasteless so it can be sprayed onto food, taking Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 together is recommended for supporting:

- Healthy Bones, Teeth and Muscles
- Healthy Immune System
- Heart Health

You can find Vitamin D3 and K2 Sublingual Spray in the recipe description above.