Make a Keto diet fun and tasty with this delicious rice alternative! Experiment with ingredients for different flavours.
Make a Keto diet fun and tasty with this delicious rice alternative! Experiment with ingredients for different flavours.
This creamy curry is the perfect comfort food, pair with cauliflower rice or our coconut flour flatbreads!
Kiss goodbye to those starchy, carb-filled potatoes with this new garlicy mash goodness in town!
Like Momma makes it – but better!
Leftovers keep for 2-3 days in the refrigerator or up to 1 month in the freezer.
This recipe was taken from the Minimalist Baker website. For other amazing recipes and ideas see their website:
This pasta alternative is low in carbs but high in taste! The nutty and avocado sauce adds depth to the dish and makes it perfect for dinner.
This sauce is so heavenly you will be fighting over the greens!
These burgers are perfect for lunch with a light salad or can be bulked up for a filling, tasty dinner!
A serving contains 27% of your daily recommended intake of protein making this dish a perfect energy source.
This dish is super quick and easy and perfect for busy days. Can be enjoyed as a main meal or as a summery side!
This delicious curry is quick and simple to make, add it with wholegrain rice or a naan for a filling dinner!